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Weekly Astrology Forecast for October 22-28, 2023* – Spooky Scorpio Season!

Writer's picture: Eclectic OccultistaEclectic Occultista

We’ve all spent the last several weeks living inside our heads. What specifically may have taken up valuable mental real estate differed for all of us, but with Mercury and the Sun in less-than-certain Libra, weighing options and balancing opinions may have left us feeling exhausted.

“Equivocation” isn’t a term that’s often tagged to judicious, fair and truth-seeking Libra — a sign that prides itself on its relentless pursuit for peace and equity. However, with Venus in scrutinizing Virgo, our ability to act and speak with clarity may have been impaired by relentless over-analysis.

Mercury hasn’t had much help. Despite the weakest form of mutual reception it shared with Mighty Aphrodite, clarity of thought and speech was likely muddled as we tried to make sense of how to get what we want without upsetting the apple cart. Thankfully, as Mercury and Sol both slide into Scorpio, we’ll be forced to trade the ambiguity of mental air for greater emotional awareness. Driven by instinct and our deepest desires, these next few weeks will also highlight where we feel like outsiders looking in on the lives we want. As the Scorpionic energies call for transformation, mirrored in the world around us by falling leaves and the withering of flowers, we need to heed our own internal seasons. This is the beginning of our long winter, hunkering down for the next several months as we get a grip on everything that we feel like we’re losing hold of. With Mars in its position of greatest zodiacal strength, we’ll be able to apply strategy to our decision-making; courage and boldness will ultimately prevail in the face of uncertainty.

Sunday’s benevolent Aquarius Moon and the separating Venus-Jupiter trine will tamp down errant flames that flared last week. As Venus assimilates the flash of compassionate wisdom gained from her heavenly rendezvous with Jupiter, her gaze may be cast inward as we reflect on the damaging effects of our sometimes-ceaseless search for perfection.

While there may be deliberate overtures towards peace-making, Mercury’s entry into Scorpio brings a welcome trine to Saturn, helping us gain further perspective on our current situation. Though the Scorpionic energy may have us heeding emotional impulses, a strongly domiciled Mars will help us consider the consequences of anything we say or do.

A late afternoon square between Luna and Mars could introduce resistance, albeit briefly. We may need to yield on some belief of ours that isn’t set in stone.


Sol joins Mercury in secretive Scorpio on Monday, October 23. Hold your cards close to your chest these next few weeks, especially when it comes to your biggest, boldest ideas. Be cautious with whom you trade confidences, especially as the sign-based opposition Uranus makes to the current Scorpio stellium invites unpredictable conflicts. An exact square between the Moon and Uranus could offer a preview of what’s in store. Clashes between our visions for the future and the past that so many around us cling to could flare up unexpectedly.


Rise and shine on Tuesday, October 24, to the lingering effects of a Sun-Saturn trine and a cooling Moon-Saturn conjunction. As we focus on priorities, our heart will consider personal responsibilities and transcendent possibilities. If we’ve been too dogged in our convictions, then the sympathetic Pisces Moon could have us softening our stance.

The Moon will make trine Mercury in Scorpio at 10:56 AM EDT and to Mars in the same sign eight hours later, helping us to reject anything that feels out of alignment with our prevailing desires. Luna’s more intuitive path through Pisces could ultimately have us trust our feelings more.


Wednesday’s Moon-Venus opposition could sensitize us to an emotionally critical partner. Even if the intention isn’t to hurt, this aspect could have us feeling a cold shiver of doubt as we contemplate whether we’re enough.

Luna’s subsequent corrective trine to Ceres in Scorpio could have us shaking off any negative perceptions of inadequacy, especially if the dwarf-planet’s transit through the sign has brought about intense alterations in the way we shore ourselves up against the rest of the world.

The Moon-Neptune conjunction perfecting around 10:21 PM EDT is sure to make for pleasant dreams.


By the time we wake on Thursday, October 26, the Moon will have entered Aries just after 6:00 AM EDT. As the sky shifts, our energies follow suit, likely taking on the impetuousness of the ram-ruled sign. The quincunx between the Sun and the Moon may be milder, but expect a slight discordance between your head and your heart as you barrel towards the weekend.

A Venus-Chiron quincunx perfecting around 9:01 AM EDT may have you approaching an old wound with a partner on which the two of you don’t see eye-to-eye. While recollections may vary, this could be an important opportunity to clear the air of any self-doubt that reared its head earlier in the week. Just be mindful that with Ceres also inconjunct Chiron, you may turn up empty in getting what you need on a deeply emotional level.


Friday’s Moon-Chiron conjunction may have us licking our wounds from any relationship discord the night before. However, the Aries energy prefers to get on with things, so, for better or for worse, you may decide to park a dispute, though the Moon-Eris conjunction later that night could have other plans. Those of us on the East coast will luckily miss out on the Moon-Pluto square, which could see that dispute turn into a more full-fledged affair.


The Taurus Lunar Eclipse headlines Saturday, October 28, as the Full Moon energies perfecting at 4:22 PM EDT bring matters pertaining to stability, safety and security into the spotlight. This is the last of the eclipse series across this axis for over a decade, closing a year-and-a-half-long chapter where key placements in our charts could have been hammered by successive eclipse cycles calling for drastic changes in our lives. (Taurus and Scorpio risings, I’m especially looking at y’all!)

Both signs are piled with planets — personal, social and transpersonal — but perhaps the most interesting configuration is the opposition between Mercury and Jupiter — between low-level daily thoughts and mechanical processes and higher, aspirational wisdom. With the Moon co-present Jove, we intuitively know what we need to do and where our mental energies ought to be directed, yet the combust Mercury in Scorpio makes orienting our thoughts in that direction exceedingly difficult.

With the Sun, Mercury, Mars and Ceres all occupying the zodiacal sign associated with purging, shedding, editing, expunging, and, ultimately, transforming, there’s an element where, to get where we need to be in our lives, we must attune our energies to the very things that scare us. Letting go is often easier said than done, especially where conditioned thought patterns and behaviours run so deep that severing hard-wired scripts seem nigh impossible. Nevertheless, we shouldn’t underestimate Ceres inviting us to examine how we nurture ourselves. Sometimes the greatest insecurity comes from knowing that we are on the precipice of a rebirth.

For those in North America, the eclipse effects may be more subtle as whole swaths of the U.S. and Canada won’t see the eclipse at all, while the eastern seaboard gets a taste of its penumbral phase. Nevertheless, those with key placements conjunct, square or opposite the luminaries may experience this as a watershed finale, closing off a more difficult storyline where the safe option wasn’t always in your best interest.

*DISCLAIMER: All astrological forecasts are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. Any decisions that you might make as a result of reading this or any other astrological blog entry are YOURS ALONE and the creator of this blog will not be held responsible! For any legal issues, see a lawyer; for medical ones, consult a physician. None of the information in this blog constitutes actionable advice from a licensed professional. Once again, this forecast is for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!

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