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Weekly Astrology Forecast for November 28-December 4, 2022* - Imagining a New Reality!

Writer's picture: Eclectic OccultistaEclectic Occultista

Hey star-gazers! This is your weekly astrology forecast for November 28-December 4, 2022.

We begin the week under the energy of retrograde Mars’ trine to Saturn, which will be a beneficial aspect for those of us who might have been languishing under the challenging, disorienting, and discouraging energies of the square between retrograde Mars and retrograde Neptune. This energy could have manifested as stress, overwhelm, burnout, disorganization, frenetic thinking, an inability to focus, or simply a lack of motivation. Thankfully, for a couple of days as that energy perfects and recedes, you could have a very important opportunity for dedicated and focused work, augmented by that heavy Saturnian energy, pulling Mars back down to reality. Use the early days of the week to undertake any important work you need to do requiring diligence, focused attention, research, or, simply, prolonged attention.

Next, on November 29, Mercury makes two aspects — a sextile to Saturn, helping to reinforce and extend that focused energy that we just talked about, and the other, Mercury’s opposition to retrograde Mars. While Mercury’s sextile can give us a little weight and focus to broach important conversations, the opposition to retrograde Mars can augment confusion, misrepresentation, and misunderstanding, so take extra care this week to think through what you want to say first and to whom, to walk away from any hill you don’t need to die on, and to approach disagreements with some deep breaths before opening yourself up to any knee-jerk reactions. Ultimately, you could find the duelling energies between Saturn, Mars, and Mercury amplified in peculiar ways throughout the week.

Next, on December 1, Mercury will trine retrograde Neptune. This could be an important day for rehashing or revisiting old dreams, especially since Neptune is slow and powerful, stationing to turn direct in a few days. With Mercury deposited by that more powerful and direct Jupiter, it could have the big-picture drive and imaginative possibility it needs to start contemplating big plans for 2023. This said, Mercury in Sagittarius isn’t especially detail-oriented, so, if you’re hoping for a plan of action, best wait until next week when Mercury enters Capricorn.

Also occurring on December 1 are Venus’ opposition to retrograde Mars and sextile to Saturn, which could be a more challenging day for relationship matters. Saturn could highlight positive developments in your relationships where you could feel like you might be of service to those closest to you in your life, demonstrating your affection through any helping hand that those you love might need, however, Mars could challenge your own ideas around the ideal relationship, and its retrograde direction could find you struggling to express those desires. Let Saturn prevail this day, focus on ways that you can cultivate positivity rather than zoning in on lack.

On December 3, Neptune will turn direct and I’ll leave that as more of a flag than a big, watershed astrological moment, since we still have a little more of Neptune’s transit through Pisces to endure. And, to be completely honest, I typically find Neptune and Pluto retrogrades aren’t as noteworthy in terms of qualitative event changes as the inner or superior planets, so we’ll just leave that there — suffice to say, keep on dreaming, since, next year, concretizing and heavy-weight Saturn will join Neptune in Pisces, potentially offering us an important opportunity to build the infrastructure needed to make our dreams come true.

And, finally, on December 4, Venus will square that direct Neptune, offering us a very lovely end to the week for daydreaming about beauty, art, our hopes for relationships — just be careful not to fall into the usual Neptunian trap of overblowing expectations, or getting too too lost in the clouds.


*DISCLAIMER: All astrological forecasts are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. Any decisions that you might make as a result of reading this or any other astrological blog entry are YOURS ALONE and the creator of this blog will not be held responsible! For any legal issues, see a lawyer; for medical ones, consult a physician. None of the information in this blog constitutes actionable advice from a licensed professional. Once again, this forecast is for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!

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