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Weekly Astrology Forecast for January 15–21, 2023* - Pluto Alert!

Writer's picture: Eclectic OccultistaEclectic Occultista

Hey star-gazers! This is your astrology forecast for the week ahead, and it’s a blessedly quiet week, bordering on a tad slow, as Mars recovers from its retrograde period. Mercury is still retrograde until the latter-half of the week, though I suspect, for most, its effects are comparatively mild after having to put up Mars retracing its steps in Gemini since October of last year.

Sunday, January 15 begins with the Sun applying to a conjunction with Pluto. This aspect will perect later in the week, but the intensity may begin asserting itself earlier in austere Capricorn.

This could be an energy where we feel our assertive solar aims zapped by an overbearing Plutonic figure, or, given the retrograde Mercury co-presence, we could find ourselves in scenarios that demand we find our voices when confronted by intimidating authority figures.

At the same time, Jupiter is applying to a sextile to Mars in a fairly wide orb, but may nonetheless offer a much-needed dose of optimism as we get the affairs of our Geminian houses in order.

Jupiter’s more fiery tone in Aries could see our confidence boosted — perhaps even excessively — and, after a lot of draining astrology last year, a little hyberbolic bravado never hurt anyone!

As the Sun separates from a sextile to dreamy Neptune this week, we may find ourselves coming down from the cloud of possibility that we were sailing on last week. If you found yourself going heavy on the intention-setting and creative visualization meditations, this upcoming week could test the steadfastness of your beliefs as the Sun approaches chthonic Pluto. Remember, if you find your white-knuckle grip on your hopes and dreams slipping, revisit that journal or vision board often as this transit, too, shall pass.

The conjunction between the Sun and Pluto perfects on Wednesday, January 18; this could correspond to a few days where the intensity of the Sun’s activities in Capricorn are heightened. One potential manifestation of this energy could be greater workplace motivation, a desire to reach for the brass ring, or to go really deep in your year-ahead planning. While this aspect could help us channel our efforts into personally meaning endeavours, some of us won’t be able to escape the undertow of a challenging relationship with a power player, and the cold, dryness of Saturn’s sign could make such an encounter especially jarring.

Also occurring on January 18, Mercury returns to direct motion at eight degrees of Capricorn. Though I’d wager we could see a slightly easier time around some of our communication efforts, the effects should ultimately be subtle as the little grey planet resumes its analogous waxing hemicycle.

Two days later, on January 20, the Sun takes a major dignity hit, entering the sign of Aquarius, but, with the house ruler in domicile and co-present, the Sun could benefit from the focus, perseverance and collectively oriented energies that Saturn brings.

Expect the Sun’s jaunt through this sign to be a little crunchy at times as the planet of self-assertion and self-actualization may need to shelve its own agenda in favour of the greater good. This said, this will be an instructive four-week journey for ascertaining valuable insights into our goals and ambitions and how those jive with the themes of responsibility, necessity, obligation, and service in our lives.

The Sun’s entry into Aquarius will be a particularly notable ingress since the New Moon in Aquarius will take place on the first degree of the sign the next day. Newsflash: all the planets are direct in the sky, making this lunation fee especially potent, like a new beginning where the astrology of 2023 is concerned.

Given that Venus will also be applying to a conjunction with Saturn, which will perfect the next day, in the same sign, this could be a much more relationship-focused lunation, underscoring the need for considering friends, social groups, networks and causes near and dear to us more deeply.

The weight of the Saturn co-presence will inevitably cause this nearly month-long lunar cycle to have a certain heft and seriousness to it, potentially colouring the month with a simultaneous and tense pull towards isolation, retreat, and boundary-making. The key to surviving this lunation and the push-pull effects of these contrasting energies will be appreciating more cohesive boundaries between yourself and others as you balance your solar aims with the mature, Saturnine topics of responsibility to others. Fixed signs, expect this lunation to hit you the hardest.

*DISCLAIMER: All astrological forecasts are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. Any decisions that you might make as a result of reading this or any other astrological blog entry are YOURS ALONE and the creator of this blog will not be held responsible! For any legal issues, see a lawyer; for medical ones, consult a physician. None of the information in this blog constitutes actionable advice from a licensed professional. Once again, this forecast is for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!

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