April starts with a strong Piscean focus, highlighting our hopes, dreams, and wishes consistent with the house whose topics fall under its auspices in our natal charts. The lingering effects of last month’s Virgo lunar eclipse could be pushing for a much-needed resolution especially as oppressive Saturn loosens its grip on us as it gradually moves away from the degree of the March 15 eclipse. Meanwhile, retrograde Venus’ two conjunctions with Kronos this month (April 7, 25) prompt a possible reevaluation of how a relationship might be limiting us. Finally, Mercury, still retrograde, retraces its path in Pisces, encouraging us to reconsider bright ideas and the way we go about actualizing them in a shifting and increasingly unpredictable world.
April also spotlights the prominent energetic shift of Neptune into cardinal fire. As the balance of the planets it left behind in Pisces may see things more clearly, Neptune will no doubt obfuscate and diffuse the initiatory energy of Aries, potentially contributing to false starts and potential confusion.
Although Mercury and Venus begin the month both retrograde, Mercury returns to direct motion first (April 7). For many of us, especially anyone who had a bumpier retrograde experience than anticipated, this will be a welcome resumption of business as usual.
For Venus, the return to normalcy takes a little longer (April 13), seeing the first-half of the month under its change-making influence as we debate monetary affairs, friendships, relationships, and even creative endeavours.
The April 13 Full Moon in Libra may have us feeling a little unsupported. The plenilunium’s ruler, Venus, is in aversion — equivalent to a modern-day semi-square in configuration only. In ancient astrology, this can be a signature of crossed wires, busy signals, or simply no dial tone. We may be literally or metaphorically turning away from a relationship — perhaps one that isn’t providing the emotional security we crave, especially with Mars squaring both luminaries from its more challenging position in Cancer.
The late-April lunation in Taurus (April 27) is a study in contrasts from the mid-month Full Moon. While Venus is also the ruler of this soli-lunar conjunction, its configuration by a mildly supportive sextile could offer some clarity as we get a handle on financial matters. One of the prevailing storylines that many of us may have encountered, particularly with Uranus transiting this sign for so long, is the changing circumstances that this house in our charts represents. Uranus, having been omnipresent throughout the pandemic, could have seen many of us question the themes of pleasure, security, stability, financial gain, and even earned income. We may have plumbed the depths of our nests and nest eggs, asking pointed questions around purpose and satisfaction. This month, we’re getting to spotlight those questions with change-making squares to Mars and Pluto helping us consider what actions need to be taken.
The April 27 lunation sets a new pace and trajectory until the next New Moon in the same sign in 2026. With Uranus co-present, questions of stability will likely be foregrounded as we ask ourselves just how much risk we feel comfortable taking, especially as Mars, once again, squares this lunation except, this time, from courageous Leo. Where its previous position in Cancer likely amplified questions around home, hearth and emotional safety, this modal and elemental shift may be asking us what it will take for us to stay the course as we contemplate starting something fresh.
Besides the monthly moons, here are six transits to keep an eye on.
April 4–5: Mars Trine Saturn, retrograde Mercury and retrograde Venus.
With our hopes, dreams, emotions, and even creative energies under a cosmic microscope, we may find ourselves questioning our motivations. Mercury — our ideas, communication methods, the words we put out into the world, and even, to an extent, the social networks we keep — and Venus — a proxy for our relationships and finances — are both asking us to evaluate emotional payoffs. Expectations may have fallen short on both these fronts as the stock we placed in creative pursuits may not have come to fruition.
Meanwhile, Mars in Cancer continues to take a beating as low-grade frustrations percolate. We may feel a need to protect our territory and even draw a line in the sand, denying incursions that challenge our ideas of security. One area where we may have seen this battle is on the homefront, possibly with friends and family questioning whether our current pathway is the “safe option” in these uncertain times.
With Mars trining Saturn, we can shift the narrative. Under this signature lasting a few days, an existing obligation can be re-examined, identifying where, perhaps, our best interest is not being served. Plans could be drawn up to make necessary changes when both Mercury and Venus return to direct motion, allowing us to recalibrate on any front that perhaps hadn’t seen us reap the rewards we had hoped for.
April 17: Mercury in Aries Conjunct Neptune.
Communication possibility and perils abound under this celestial signature. On the positive side, Neptune in Aries could signal bursts of creative self-expression and emotional insights that promote regeneration and renewal. On the flip side, Neptune may diffuse the pointed energy of cardinal fire, seeing us grapple with multiple areas of our lives seemingly set ablaze.
Mercury can be a pointed communicator here, allowing us to say what we want without the delicacy of Libra or the parsimony of Capricorn. Conjunct Neptune, however, its focus could be zapped or message muddied, leaving us to wonder what went wrong and why.
The key to this brief, albeit frustrating transit, may be to take a more relaxed stance. Yes, this may be a contradiction for the barrage of mental energy that Mercury in this sign is accustomed to, but Neptune may, in fact, force us to slow down, take a chill pill, and recognize that the landscape is much broader than our own narrow segment of reality realizes.
April 18–19: Mars enters Leo, Trines Neptune in Aries, Opposes Pluto.
Mars may feel rudderless as it enters Leo — a sign that it’s largely peregrine in according to the scheme of traditional essential dignities. Exacerbating matters, Mars faces off against nuclear Pluto, potentially amplifying fears, anxieties and paralytic concerns that could see us frozen in place. At the same time, Mars, trining one of the signs of its rulership and, of course, activating Neptune, could have us seeing Mars' battle from a different perspective.
Under this celestial signature, we may struggle to see past our immediate concerns. With the Sun also squaring Mars in Taurus, we may dig in our heels, demanding that things go our way, even as the Uranian co-presence continues to throw curve balls in our direction.
The trine to Neptune may be particularly important for prompting us to see beyond our immediate needs and wants. As the two planets connect we may rethink desires that could come across as selfish or excessively self-motivated, with too little attention paid to how our actions impact others.
If we can take a step back to reassess, then perhaps we can gain much-needed perspective, querying whether what we’re seeing is, in fact, an accurate representation of reality.
April 21: Sun Square Mars.
The preview of the Sun-Mars square is on full-display, highlighting a battle of the wills and a potential conflict around our own solar expression. In Taurus, we’re likely deep into a metaphorical building process. At the start of the astrological New Year last month, nascent hopes and dreams no doubt germinated, prompting many of us to set a goal or, at a minimum, court an idea that seemed particularly consequential as the Sun renewed its annual course in hope-filled Aries.
As the Sun enters Taurus on April 19, our gazes may shift. Concretizing a wild idea may seem more important while the fixed earth energy could help us ask pointed questions about what we need to do if we want to get a concept off the ground. This task may be made more difficult by that peregrine Mars, feeling slightly directionless and set adrift in a sign that often demands more solidity and confidence.
We may also find ourselves more easily triggered by obstacles, especially if the planet of action seems confused by where its skills may be best utilized. Under the circumstances, this may be a transit best spent identifying the myriad pathways that could lead to productive outcomes and what steps could be taken without necessarily pulling the trigger until Mars regains a more confident footing.
April 23: Sun Square Pluto.
It seems slightly hyperbolic to highlight the atomic potentials of Pluto, but when a solar flare hits, this transit can sometimes be explosive.
Pluto can often be a planet of depths, fears, anxieties, and manipulations. Authority figures can come under its auspices, as can criminals, gangs, unsavoury characters, or lovers that seem to twist us into emotional pretzels when we’re lost and vulnerable.
As our solar journey continues its annual unfoldment, the momentary catalytic meeting of Sol and Hades seems like it could be ripe for disruption. Depending on our personal astrology, this can be a blip or a bombshell, but either way, this transit will force us to go deep and possibly even make a change after something difficult comes to light. For many of us stalling out under that peregrine Mars, this could be a welcome event, even if Pluto’s significations are rarely on the softer side of cotton candy and marshmallows. Still, harsh realities faced can often be in our benefit over the long-term, even if our instinct is to avoid any possibility of short-term pain.
April 25: Venus Conjunct Saturn.
Venus conjunct Saturn invites us to get serious after the earlier conjunction likely highlighted a persistent obstacle dragging us down. Commitment is the keyword and, for many of us, if we met Venus retrograde season with ample care, then this is the beginning of a new chapter. As we confront what didn’t work and where we might have fallen victim to people-pleasing at the expense of our own interests, Saturn can be useful for re-establishing healthy emotional boundaries. Use this transit to consider consciously how you want people to treat you; Venus’ revamped storyline will be about implementing that wisdom and self-realization.
*DISCLAIMER: All astrological forecasts are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. Any decisions that you might make as a result of reading this or any other astrological blog entry are YOURS ALONE and the creator of this blog will not be held responsible! For any legal issues, see a lawyer; for medical ones, consult a physician. None of the information in this blog constitutes actionable advice from a licensed professional. Once again, this forecast is for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!