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Last Chance Saloon  -  The Astrology of September 2024*

Writer's picture: Eclectic OccultistaEclectic Occultista

The celestial configurations this month seem especially germane for shoring up our physical resources. As daredevil Uranus turns retrograde (Sept. 1), we may revisit any changes we made to our physical and material security. The planet of upheaval and chaos has no doubt unleashed its own challenges as it continues to test our stamina, endurance and ability to forego pleasure for practicality. Coming off of Jupiter in Taurus, many of us may have seen financial burdens compounded. Thankfully, Uranus also brings innovation; perhaps even creativity in austerity?

Pluto returns to Capricorn for its last hurrah (Sept. 1). It turns direct again in November and ingresses into Aquarius once and for all on November 20. Over the next several weeks, those of us with last-degree cardinal placements have one last go at accepting the transformation that Pluto thrust upon us. What we’ve come to depend on, what we’ve worked hard to build and what we’ve typically based our definitions of success on no longer hold. Under this two-and-a-half-month transit, we may need to come to terms with everything that Pluto has torn down.

The Virgo New Moon (Sept. 2) is bound to have a harsher flavour. Opposed by Saturn, we could feel pushed to our emotional limits and sensitized to the myriad imperfections we see in our present circumstances. The quest for perfection and achievement may meet its match with nay-saying Kronos; despite attempts to slice and dice a situation, we could find ourselves coming up short. A trine to Ceres in Capricorn reminds us that relentlessness can be anathema to self-care, so be shrewd with your time and firm about your boundaries. 

Expect a little bumpiness as Mars in Gemini squares retrograde Neptune in Pisces (Sept. 3). Harsh words could cause losses of faith or feelings of emotional betrayal. Even if your intention isn’t to cause harm, the sharpness inherent in the big red planet reminds us that people can misconstrue our words and even hold things against us. Avoid falling on your sword as Mars enters Cancer (Sept. 4). People have long memories and could bring up past grievances, though a Venus-Juno conjunction (Sept. 5) enables bridge-building if you need it. 

Ideas may be harder to put into action as Mercury squares Uranus (Sept. 7). Prepare for unexpected demands for out-of-the-box thinking, upending your best-laid plans. Short-term obstacles could line your way as the the Sun opposes Saturn (Sept. 8), but this is brief. When Mercury enters Virgo (Sept. 9), we may feel fully empowered to make rational, well-informed decisions. 

A Sun-Jupiter square (Sept. 12) is the aspect of grand designs. This may be a transit under which we get too big for our britches, bite off more than we can chew or overestimate our capacity to make things happen. With Jupiter in the place of its detriment, there’s also a visioning issue: we may not have all the facts we need and, even if we do, our ability to see the bigger picture is chronically impaired by blue-sky bravado. The trouble with this transit is knowing whether the leap of faith we want to take is well-calculated. A Mercury-Vesta conjunction helps to keep the flames of our passion projects burning (Sept. 15), while a Venus-Jupiter trine that same day could present positive opportunities through social networks.

The Pisces Full Moon and partial lunar eclipse (Sept. 17) will be visible over Europe, South America, most of North America and Africa, and parts of the Middle East. Visibility is an integral part of eclipse effects, amplifying their potential to manifest the significations that they promise. For those with placements closely conjunct 25 degrees of Pisces, you may feel the eclipse effects more acutely. The eclipse cycle is tied to separations and endings. With retrograde Neptune closely conjoining this eclipse, the maudlin undertone could lead us to retire certain hopes and dreams.

A Mercury-Saturn opposition (Sept. 18) could force us to weigh the pros and cons of our actions more than usual, leading us to veer slightly towards fear and anxiety. This could be heightened by the fizzling energy of the eclipse, so be sure to treat yourself with kindness around this time, scaling back on anything that could lead you to overextend yourself. 

The Sun’s trine to Uranus (Sept. 19) offers a moment of inspiration, so carpe diem, star-gazers! Sol’s fleeting opposition to Neptune (Sept. 20) and trine to Pluto (Sept. 22) could see disillusionment give way to self-deception. 

The Sun enters Libra (Sept. 22) with a volatile Venus in domicile. Relationships may face a precarious future, especially as Venus slides into Scorpio. A relationship could undergo a profound transformation, passions could intensify, or secrets could lead to mounting pressures only to reveal themselves when Venus hits truth-seeking Sagittarius in mid-October.

Aspects between Mercury and the outer planets offer perspective shifts with a trine to Uranus (Sept. 24), opposition to Neptune (Sept. 25) and trine to Pluto (Sept. 26). You may find yourself revisiting an old, but brilliant idea. If you doubt its feasibility, the energizing transit from Pluto will enable you to undertake any research needed to test its potential.

When Mercury enters Libra (Sept. 26) focus on building the partnerships needed to support any fledgling ideas. Things could pay off as Mercury conjoins the Sun (Sept. 30). If you get sent back to the drawing board, no problem; a Mars-Saturn trine (Sept. 30) makes an ideal signature for methodical work and calculated action. 


*DISCLAIMER: All astrological forecasts are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. Any decisions that you might make as a result of reading this or any other astrological blog entry are YOURS ALONE and the creator of this blog will not be held responsible! For any legal issues, see a lawyer; for medical ones, consult a physician. None of the information in this blog constitutes actionable advice from a licensed professional. Once again, this forecast is for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!

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