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February 2024 Astrology Outlook*

Writer's picture: Eclectic OccultistaEclectic Occultista

Hey star-gazers! The February sky should be a hopeful one as planets shift into the future-oriented sign of Aquarius. If you’re marking your astrological calendars, then the assembly of planets in Capricorn begins to disperse with Mercury sliding into the water-bearer’s domicile first (Feb. 5), followed by Mars (Feb. 13) and, lastly, Venus (Feb. 16). With all planets direct, momentum is on our side. While setbacks are inevitable, a broadly cooperative sky could take a modicum of frustration out of life’s vicissitudes, though the idealism we often ascribe to the astrological sign of Aquarius may make for some rude awakenings when life fails to deliver what we think it should. Nonetheless, the future is now.

The other major planetary event worth noting is the conjunction between Mars and Venus (Feb. 21-22). I must have highlighted this line in my ephemeris sometime last year, reminding myself that this is a potent signature under which to birth something new. With drive and passion meeting creativity and delight, we could all stand to harness this cosmic union in pursuit of something personally meaningful: a new relationship, a new hobby, or chase what brings us pleasure. Fixed signs may find this signature especially catalytic as this union is occurring in the sign of Aquarius. Meanwhile, Aries and Sagittarius Suns, Moons or rising signs could expect a helpful push in the right direction.


With that, let’s dive into the day-by-day. 

February 1–3, 2024

You’ll need to work extra hard at stoking your inner fire as February begins with no planetary heavyweights in our hottest triplicity. Motivation, confidence, and even sometimes-reckless risk-taking could take a backseat to the waning days of the celestial assembly in Capricorn. 

The Sun and Pluto, already in Aquarius, may have us itching for change. Pluto could drive us to extremes, wanting to blow up that sector of our lives with the water-bearer on the house cusp as we feel like we’re dragging our heels through an intellectual wasteland. Meanwhile, Sol, in a more challenging Saturn-ruled house, won’t help us get traction on those ideas, or even channel our energy more constructively. It’s too busy treading water in the place of its astrological exile, struggling in one of the two signs where its literal and metaphorical light is further from our grasp. Pluto, however, may demand that we colour outside the lines, but the Sun won’t quite know how in foreign astrological terrain. 

As Luna falls into Scorpio (Feb. 1), we may feel the earliest signs of circumspection. The pull of elemental water could have us wrestle with emotional detritus as the Moon’s monthly tour through the Martial sign has us battling a couple of demons. Perhaps January came and went without accomplishing what you planned? February can be a month of regret and a time of head-scratching perplexity as we wonder what happened to our best-laid resolutions. Thankfully, Luna’s early morning trine to Saturn and subsequent opposition to Jupiter, coupled with Mercury’s sextile to Neptune (Feb. 2), could be the planetary symphony under which to revisit those intentions. With Mercury counting down the last degrees of its Capricornian stay (and in the bounds of Mars where it has the exalted powers of drive and perseverance), now is the time to take that vision board and lay out key steps to getting what you want in the next twenty-seven days. 

February 4–10, 2024

As visions of archers dance in our heads, the Moon slides into fiery Sagittarius (Feb. 4) for a couple of days. “Seek and ye shall find” seems an apt phrase, especially as Luna sextiles intense Pluto, focusing our headspace on the search for diamonds in the rough.

Mercury picks up a little dignity in Aquarius where it shares some affinity with the airy sign by triplicity. Its entry into the water-bearer’s homestead (Feb. 5) won’t go unnoticed, particularly as it moves into a swift conjunction with Pluto around the Monday morning commute. A desire to shake things up, learn something new, talk to new people, mix up your social group, or simply break free of the mental baggage that has kept you thinking the same tired thoughts could be amplified by atomic Pluto. Though this aspect is brief (and so protracted stays on a therapist’s couch are unlikely), this could be the touchpoint that sets us onto new mental pathways, seeing our outlooks transformed. 

The morning may be especially eventful as Venus squares Chiron before the Sun kisses the wounded-healer in a more sympathetic sextile. Expect this dual-activation of Chiron to hit you where your identity hurts — a shot across the bow of your relationship, perhaps, but also one that clarifies your path and purpose.

Tuesday morning (Feb. 6) is sure to be productive as Luna slides into Capricorn where she whips up our desire for order and accomplishment. Roughly twelve hours later, we may be ruminating on how to put ideas into action as the Moon sweeps into an inspirational trine to Jove in Taurus. Feeling securely ensconced in earth energy, this will be the positive boon we need to get finances back on track, restock our emergency pantries, or make big changes to our nests that have our personal comfort in mind. 

Guard your feelings against any sudden hurts as Luna pings Chiron mid-morning (Feb. 7) in a provocative square. On the bright side, wounds won’t need to be licked for long as the Moon conjuncts soothing Venus. And, speaking of the Alchemical Goddess — Venus trines Uranus later that day, signaling more changes afoot. A new haircut, a spontaneous Tinder date, or an unexpected social outing could help us find pleasure. As Mars sextiles Neptune, actions we take may be tinged with a little magic, softening hard edges to help us see unexpected possibilities.

Rise and shine to a Sun-Uranus square (Feb. 8) that brings spontaneous challenges our way. The energy may have us sprinting out of bed after a big idea strikes us early in the a.m. We may need to work off the excess hit to our nervous system — think yoga mat or treadmill as a counterweight to the frenetic Uranian thunder — but there’s a positive brush here, too — a distaste for the status quo and a recognition that we need to crush any obstacles in our path.

Luna’s subsequent tumble into Aquarius may be a bit jarring, putting the brakes on any a.m. action. Take a step back, remain on the sidelines if you need to, and use the futuristic, rule-bending energy to contemplate the contours of a better life. As the first of the month had us taking a hard look at all the resolutions that died on the altar of procrastination, the Moon will have us imagining what a brighter future could look like, even if Luna might not be the best architect to convert ideas into reality. 

February’s first major lunation takes place (Feb. 9) under heavy Aquarian occupation. The lunation is joined by Pluto and Mercury, giving this New Moon a particularly intense mental undercurrent. As our craving for novelty intensifies, so too does our desire to challenge the status quo, step outside our comfort zones and embrace the weird and wonderful. This impulse could be intensified by the kinetic square the luminaries form to Uranus in Taurus. An unexpected expense or desire to break the bank all in pursuit of something different could be on the table. 

Mercury’s square to Jupiter (Feb. 10) may extend the winter of our discontent. The desire to buck trends and challenge the aspects of our life that stifle us will benefit from the get-up-and-go aspect. As Jupiter asks us to situate our yearning within the bigger picture, Luna ingresses into thoughtful Pisces, helping us better attune to our needs. Dreams are all well and good but the Moon’s swift conjunction to Saturn reminds us that we have obligations too, much as we may resent that reminder. Nonetheless, with the traditional Piscean domicile ruler, Jupiter, in practical Taurus supporting the Moon with a gentle sextile, we can appreciate that dreams and financial comforts don’t always need to be mutually exclusive. 

February 11–17, 2024

Light on major aspects, Sunday (Feb. 11) is all about the Moon’s watery passage. Early risers on the east coast will wake to an applying conjunction between Luna and Hygeia, begging us step back and tend to our emotional welfare. This is the aspect of meditation, journaling, yoga or some other gentle activity to cleanse our thoughts and restore our equilibrium. Try to take it easy before the Moon enters impetuous Aries on Monday morning (Feb. 12) and fiery Mars follows suit, announcing its splashy entry into Aquarius on Tuesday (Feb. 13). 

Planetary ingresses can be more notable, owing to the qualitative changes that they bring. For Mars, leaving one of its favourite signs of the zodiac, can translate into some of our focus and drive being zapped. As Mars is largely peregrine in Aquarius, with only some minor dignity by term in the last-third of the sign, our tempers could be shorter along with our attention spans, ideas could flounder under some indecision. As Mars creeps into a conjunction with Pluto (Feb. 14), it’s preceded by a compassionate Venus-Jupiter sextile, cutting us, our loved ones and ambitions a little slack (Feb. 13). The Mars-Pluto conjunction could also see passions flare under the aptly exalted Valentine’s Day Moon in Taurus. Luna, in one of her happy places, is guaranteed to fall back on all the trappings of Venusian amour, though Venus in more stingy Capricorn may have a little trouble splurging on the luxuries that the Moon so compulsively craves.

A mid-week sextile between Mercury and Chiron (Feb. 15) could help us clear a little mental baggage, while our Fridays could be chock full of unexpected events. Venus kicks things off with her late-morning ingress into Aquarius — another astrological jaunt that may not be the most comfortable for her as she tries to navigate the dry and sometimes-austere terrain of her domicile ruler Saturn. Thankfully, there’s a week form of reception taking place here: Venus and Saturn are in communication, helping to navigate our relations with friends and loved ones more sensitively than a Venus-in-Saturn might otherwise be inclined to do. 

Later that day, the Moon glides into high-speed Gemini — the familiar monthly rendezvous that is sure to see our nervous system stimulated. The fast-talking, fast-thinking, fact-gathering sign of Castor and Pollux could augment any feelings of overwhelm if we’re experiencing them. Social calendars could balloon and inboxes could fill, but writers, in particular, might benefit from the prolific attributes this ingress could offer. A good mind dump is always welcome when there’s too much going on and, if we’re trying to hit any personal targets, the effusive placing in the often-loquacious sign can sometimes be leveraged productively (provided we can tame a Geminian mind). 

As the lights go out on Friday night (Feb. 16), the Mercury-Uranus square will invariably strike. A prescient dream could portend to zany futuristic visions that warrant decoding. If you don’t already have a dream journal, keep a pad of paper nearby since any mental downloads could warrant exploration. 

The week closes on a Venus-Pluto conjunction (Feb. 17), which could see an interest take on obsessive qualities if we’re not careful. If a Valentine’s Day romance whetted your appetite for something more, the cerebral bent of this planetary meet-up could see us consumed by the novelty of a romantic idea or a desire for more. Just don’t let hopes be dashed by the fleeting square between Luna and Saturn early Sunday morning.

February 18–24, 2024

Sunday’s storyline takes off early as Luna trines Mercury (Feb. 18) in an airy union that could have us thinking and talking a mile a minute. As the Moon sweeps from Mercury to the Sun by bedtime, we have enjoyed a day of mental wheels turning and might be poised for action. 

The other nocturnal activity to note is Luna’s quiet entry into Cancer before the Sun slips into mystical Pisces. We may rise on Monday morning (Feb. 19) enjoying unprecedented emotional calm, potentially feeling more centered and confident about a path that we’ve been endeavouring to clarify all month. Luna’s late-afternoon trine to Saturn could be especially helpful in this regard, further stabilizing our long-term outlook just as Chiron conjuncts the Node of Fate, reminding us to let go of old hurts in order to move forward. 

As we rise on Tuesday morning (Feb. 20), Luna squares the separating Chiron-North Node conjunction, underscoring the almost fatalistic choice we have to release that which no longer serves us. Concerted efforts at emotional healing could be optimized under this signature, helping us all release wounds that hold us back from realizing our full potential.

Our dreams may be replete with water imagery as Luna trines Neptune in the wee hours of Wednesday morning (Feb. 21). Any somnial visions may hold potent insights, while those still awake around 2:00 AM ET may find the signature useful for oracular inquiries. The Moon enters ferocious Leo on the morning commute, shifting the tenor of the next two days, especially as Luna opposes the Aquarian assembly. Its opposition to Pluto upon entering the water-bearer’s sign is sure to be especially intense as the potential for emotional drama is heightened. We may also find ourselves bristling at Plutonic figures — powerful people, groups, institutions — or prone to acting on deep-seated psychological urges that appear out of nowhere, amplifying the fire of roar-worthy Leo. 

As we wind down for the night, the Moon opposes the applying conjunction between Mars and Venus, stirring our feelings of desire, indulgence, and passion. This may be a powerful signature under which to deepen emotional ties with a loved one, or throw yourself into whatever creative pursuits most float your boat. Sure, this may be another signature under which a little romance could blossom, especially as Mars and Venus move into their potent union the next day (Feb. 22). (Forgive Cupid’s arrow for being a little late!)

Mercury falls into Pisces just before the witching hour (Feb. 23), initiating the transit I always dread for miscommunications, garbled words and circuitous routes that would invariably have been more direct had Mercury had more dignity to work with. Expect to feel cotton-headed as you struggle to process even the simplest instructions; information won’t seem clear and communications may feel more than a little cryptic. 

On the bright side, the Moon’s entry into more peaceable Virgo late on Friday night precedes her a.m. opposition to Sol. This Full Moon, taking place in earthy Virgo, is disposited by a ruler in exile and fall. We’ve lost the plot, some characters have gone missing, and the dialogue may be stilted! This lunation, however, reminds us to seek order in chaos. With the Moon supported by minor dignity, there’s an emphasis on her changeability being tempered by the methodical bent of her present Virgoan terrain. Nevertheless, she may find herself having to try a little harder than usual as the manager of her house is cast adrift on the Piscean waters of slippery reality. With Saturn in a close conjunction to the Sun, there may be an effective counterweight, helping to anchor us, even if that anchor feels more like it’s dragging us down rather than lifting us out of the confusion. We may be critical of all the things that seem amiss in our lives, but we shouldn’t forget that this is all a matter of perception as the Piscean energies can sometimes warp our perspective. A redemptive late-night Venus-Jupiter square may see us eating our feelings, so have your favourite dessert at hand if the day gets you a little down. 

February 25–29, 2024

Action begins mid-day on Sunday (Feb. 25) as Luna sweeps into an inspirational trine with Uranus. While order in the chaos may have brought us some comfort, the Promethean planet demands we inject a little novelty into the drudgery of our routines. This could take the form of an unexpected splurge on organizing items from the box store, or a sudden impulse to rearrange your living space to improve its flow. Either way, this aspect is sure to make Sunday a little more fun after any chores get done. 

We continue to go with the planetary flow on Monday as the Moon enters balancing Libra (Feb. 26). Trining the Aquarian stellium, its first contact with Pluto may have us desiring certainty in relationship potential through intense confessions and honest assertions. Hopefully all parties involved will be candid as lunar Libra may prefer to spare any emotional fallout from Plutonian bluntness. As the day wears on, the Moon moves into a square with Vesta in Gemini, prompting us to take a more balanced view of a personal passion project that has likely been in a state of noncommittal limbo. We may feel this more acutely as we endure the after-effects of the Mars-Jupiter square, which will perfect while most of us doze (Feb. 27). Aimless and perhaps a little uncertain of where to focus our energies, Jupiter will doubtlessly expand this feeling. 

The penultimate day of February (Feb. 28) is notable for the mid-way point of our current Mercury cycle. As the little grey planet conjuncts Sol, it commences its waning hemicycle, urging us to consolidate, synthesize and put thoughts into action before its April retrograde. The Sun’s scorching heat will not only renew and reinvigorate Mercury, but also Saturn, with whom the Sun initiates a new cycle late in the afternoon. As the Sun slips into a conjunction with Saturn, we reach a cumulative moment — something we’ve been toiling away at — potentially since Saturn’s ingress last March. The discipline that we’ve been harnessing in the area of our charts with Saturn on the house cusp could see us benefit from a moment where our hard work meets actualization of our solar path. Relish the hard-won bounty. 

We close our intercalated Leap Year with a pleasant Mercury-Jupiter sextile, kissing us upon waking on the eastern seaboard (Feb. 29). Luna, already having entered Scorpio where it began in early February, could bring some penetrating emotional issues back around. The tempering trine from Saturn in Pisces around the dinner hour could help us manage the range of emotional fluctuations, even as the Moon’s dispositor, Mars, blows hot air onto a situation. As Luna sweeps into a bedtime trine with Mercury, thoughts and feelings could gain clarity from oracular or divinatory insights as all that water energy awakens our intuition.


*DISCLAIMER: All astrological forecasts are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. Any decisions that you might make as a result of reading this or any other astrological blog entry are YOURS ALONE and the creator of this blog will not be held responsible! For any legal issues, see a lawyer; for medical ones, consult a physician. None of the information in this blog constitutes actionable advice from a licensed professional. Once again, this forecast is for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!

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