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Call Me, Maybe?  -  The Astrology of October 2024*

Writer's picture: Eclectic OccultistaEclectic Occultista

October is all about communication — what we say, how we say it and who we say it to. The astrology of the month demands that we look long and hard at the people who take up real estate inside our heads and hearts. We may be asked to make tough decisions, stand up for what we believe in or re-evaluate whether everyone belongs in our trusted inner circle.

Woman holding a phone to read the astrology of October 2024

Prepare for a little pearl-clutching under the intense New Moon solar eclipse in Libra (Oct. 2). Conjunct Black Moon Lilith and Mercury, ferocity may rear its unexpected head, taking our otherwise measured communications off the charts. Whether it’s in our intimate relationships or with more distant business partners, this eclipse may have us shaking off the exhaustion of constantly playing nice. 

Lilith’s rawness can make this South-Node eclipse particularly jarring as we flip the release valve on our emotional strictures. Words may not come out right with a debilitated Mercury, but saying what we truly feel may be worth the risk. As the Sun closes in on its own exact conjunction with Lilith (Oct. 3), a new path may be forged in the fierceness of giving voice to our needs. 

A Venus-Saturn trine may introduce a tone of sobriety as we come off of the spiky eclipse (Oct. 3). With the Moon in emotionally uncomfortable Scorpio, reflecting on the ways we can see this transformation through may be essential to our longer-term well-being. However, we may not be done with getting things off our chest as a Mercury-Mars square could see us coming to blows with loved ones (Oct. 6). Take care not to make mountains out of mole hills as a sharp-tongued Mercury aspect is amplified by a trine to Saturn and opposition to Chiron (Oct. 8). A Venus-Mars trine that same day could provide a beneficial counterweight if we direct our energies towards creative endeavours. 

As Jupiter commences its retrograde sojourn in cerebral Gemini, expect the balance of the year to be dotted by do-overs (Oct. 9). We may question a learning trajectory, re-evaluate our networks, or simply revisit sidelined projects. (Think that novel you were meant to write or that travel blog you’ve always wanted to start!). The trine to partnership-focused Juno on the day of Jupiter’s station could see someone return to your personal storyline who had previously played a role in your journey. 

Pluto’s direct station is both astrologically and, for some, individually consequential (Oct. 11). This is the very last time that Pluto will be in Capricorn over our lifetimes. For those with cardinal angles, this is reason for celebration. Pluto likely thrust the most unpleasant and sometimes life-altering events on you, testing your mental fortitude and emotional resilience. It could have torn your self-image, marriage, home, or career down, leaving it in shambles as you wondered where to begin picking up the pieces. 

If you resisted, Pluto likely made things worse: magnified all the many ways that your life simply wasn’t working despite your best efforts to fit the mould. Shadow-work, journaling, meditation or simply radical self-acceptance may have been part of your journey, hopefully seeing you emerge stronger, if not more contented and focused on the new pathway that has been forged for you in the hottest personal hell fires. As Pluto gears up for its fixed-sign visitation, take this time to count whatever blessings this once-in-a-lifetime journey has brought, despite the collateral damage. 

We may be in for an emotionally exhausting day (Oct. 13), as the Sun, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Chiron and Pluto all have a part to play in the astrological unfolding. First, a Mercury-Pluto square could be as beneficial as it is intense, offering us the opportunity to go deep in our intellectual endeavours, or, at worst, find ourselves duped by sweet-sounding words. As Mercury slides into Scorpio, we may find ourselves turning both inwards and deeper, particularly as the star of Hermes trines an intuitive Pisces Moon. A Mars-Chiron square could see us battle personal will against collective desires, while a bedtime Sun-Chiron opposition and Sun-Jupiter trine could see a pain point give way to profound wisdom, understanding and opportunity. 

In the wee hours of the morning, a Sun-Mars square could set our day alight (Oct. 14). Harness the energy burst to be ambitious about your to-do list. Later in the day, Venus opposing Uranus could bring an unexpected upset to a relationship. All is not lost as the Venus-Neptune trine (Oct. 15) could help us recalibrate based on intuitive guidance.

The Aries Full Moon could bring an element of discord as Luna conjoins Eris (Oct. 17). Separating from Chiron, the theme of acknowledging personal wounds to our identity, individuality and independence could become amplified under this more challenging lunation. The Sun-Juno conjunction opposing the Moon could see a relationship subplot unfold, highlighting where we might have sacrificed our desires for the good of others. An emotional reprieve comes as the Moon moves into Taurus; meanwhile, Venus’s entry into Sagittarius could see us demand greater truth, accountability and authenticity from those around us.

A Sun-Uranus quincunx could translate into an unexpected bump in the road (Oct. 19). In the money-making-and-shaking sign of Taurus, the Moon, despite its exalted status, could find its seemingly stable foundations shaken. Coming off of the tense Full Moon, themes of financial independence or material resources to fund passion projects could find discordant expression. Don’t give up. Uranus demands innovation not abandonment.

The Sun’s shift into Scorpio could see a renewed focus on our personal ambitions (Oct. 22). The transformative and regenerative energies that the Martial-ruled water sign brings could be just the antidote to feelings of hopelessness in the preceding days. The month-long sojourn could be optimally used to bring increased focus to our endeavours, while seeking greater internal strength, fortitude and a sense of conviction in our purpose.

Towards the close of the month, two aspects face-off in the sky, making for a challenging day (Oct. 28). First, Mars trines Neptune. This aspect could amplify Mars’s struggle in Cancer to muster focus, courage and decisiveness to take action on key matters. Neptune will invariably diffuse Mars’s already-scattered energies further, making this a better day for observation than action. An hour later, Venus squares Saturn, seeing us buck against any restrictions imposed on us in our romantic entanglements.

The month closes on a Mercury-Uranus opposition, demanding us to admit when we need to change course and heed October’s scorpionic call for personal transformation and rebirth (Oct. 30). 


*DISCLAIMER: All astrological forecasts are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. Any decisions that you might make as a result of reading this or any other astrological blog entry are YOURS ALONE and the creator of this blog will not be held responsible! For any legal issues, see a lawyer; for medical ones, consult a physician. None of the information in this blog constitutes actionable advice from a licensed professional. Once again, this forecast is for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!

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